Thursday, April 21, 2011

+Me, Myself and I. _you!

Firstly, I know that this isn't a poem but I cannot help myself!

My name is Zoe and I am a girl/female/teenager/species.
I was born on the 26th of June 1995.
I like having straight bangs because I just like them, although I have a round forehead.
I was born with massively huge eyes but they (grew) smaller somehow.
I have double-eye-lid on my left eye and a single one on my right.
My right nostril is flatter than the other.
I have had short hair twice in my life and it didn't look good on me.
I have tonnes of split ends and I need to go trim my hair.
In a ponytail, my hair tend to fall infront of my right shoulder which is starting to annoy me.
I have a really flat nose which I do not really like but it is part of me and I am accepting it.
I have a really sharp chin which I realized in Form 2 by a friend!
My mum says I have nice ears.
I don't have nice teeth.

It would take a long time for me to write who I am or what I am. Because I am still in the midst of growing up. It is difficult to explain what I am or who I am now because I haven't fully discovered who I am yet. There are days where I am happy and days where I am sad and days where I feel weird. Normal emotions that other people do experience. I am like an empty jar filled with different beads day by day, learning from experiences and growing into myself and what God wants me to be. Everything around me makes me who I am. I am just knitting myself to who I am day by day. But right now, I am content with life and I am so blessed to have it. It is such a gold!


BUT AS FAR AS I KNOW, I am an art piece painted by God. I am a creation, created with creativity to form what I am and what makes me, me. These details are the ingredients for me to be identified to the world. I am different and so are you! You are art so accept yourself for who you are. Remember that every single one of you are master pieces, and beautiful ones. You are art. Inside and out. It's amazing once you realize that everyone is worth something and is something different to this world. There is so much in one person, so much. It is amazing.


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